Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Day One - Restart

In case you're wondering where my previous posts went, I fell off the wagon... So I deleted them and am ready to start again. I'm not ready to dwell on why I gave up at this stage because I need to try and really feel positive for the next few days so I can get myself back on track.

I just got back from the gym where I did a hard legs and back session. I followed that up with 20 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill but I wasn't able to keep up with the same pace as I usually do. I've been feeling a bit off for the past few days so maybe that has something to do with it.

I took my measurements today. As of next week I'll be taking them on a Tuesday.

Weight 58kg

Body Fat % 21.92%

Fat Weight 12.71kg

LBM 45.29kg

Chest 85cm

Waist 67cm

Hips 90.5cm

Bum 93cm

Thigh R/L 54.5/54.5cm

I'm also going to put photos up, but they will be weekly, not daily. I'm dumb with the camera so it'll take me too long to do it daily.


Rob said...


I am so proud of you.
You are a true champion…

Don’t worry about deleting the other post, perfection is a hard thing to overcome and actually not a bad thing to attain to…and I can't count the times I’ve did the exact same thing so your not alone. It’s hard to do weight training and then cardio during that close of a time span and have the same intensity as you would if you did them at say…cardio in the morning and weight training at night but I realize you have to utilize the time you have at the gym. I actually have to do the same thing once or twice a week…when I do though, I normally like to do cardio first then do weight training, it just seems to work better for me that way. Remember your ‘realities’ and take small steps…be perfect for the next five minutes then try for ten then an hour then a day, before long the days will turn into weeks and always remember if something knocks you down…get back in the ring as quick as possible.

Stu said...

Well done for getting back on the wagon.

Jess said...

Thanks guys!